Review: Wherever Nina Lies

Title: Wherever Nina Lies
Author: Lynn Weingarten
Genre: YA, Mystery
Source: Library
Release Date: Feb 1st 2009
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My ThoughtsWith three simple words, this novel can easily be described: road-trip, romance and mystery. All of which make Lynn Weingarten's debut effort sound as fun and carefree as any other book available in the teen section but what sets this one apart is the suspense that takes ahold of you at the mid-way point. I found it almost impossible to set this one down once the action and adventure had begun, I am surprised to say that the real mystery buried beneath these pages left me in awe. 

Meet Ellie. She's pining for the return of her sister. After two years of misery, she's almost ready to give up on the search until a image belonging to Nina is discovered in a nearby thrift store. The clue leads Ellie to a house party where her sister once displayed artwork. Now yearning for her return more than ever, Ellie runs into Sean who initially seems like the perfect comfort but ultimately takes her out a longwinded road-trip for many more clues. 

Once again, I was slightly bothered to find a Young Adult novel displaying overworked and uninterested parents. I can see how this would aide in the flow of the characters and their plot but just once, I would like to flip through the pages of a novel to find wonderfully realistic and caring parents. I also felt the ending was not as tightly wrapped up as I'd like and as there will not be a sequel at this point, I'm pretty sure my woes will not be answered. 

Overall, I was amazed by just how much I enjoyed this novel and wish I'd picked it up earlier. I can't wait to see what the author has in store for us with her next novel, The Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers.

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